Kiss Me I’m Irish! (or…How To Ruin A Perfectly Good Renovation)
So, your thinking about doing a wee renovation? Well here’s hoping the Luck of the Irish is with you. Unfortunately, that is how most renovations begin, hopes and dreams and we are lucky if they go even remotely well. You’ve heard all the stories; you’ve read all the articles and you are about to follow the exact same reno method that hasn’t worked since St. Patrick chased all the snakes (aka the crooked contractors) out of Ireland. Go ahead call three Leprechauns in and give one a pot of gold and hope for the best. I hope your renovation is finished two hours before the devil knows it is.
What’s wrong with the old ways? They don’t work. The problem with the way renovations have been done for years is that they skip a key step….planning. You want a new kitchen, or basement, or maybe your whole hose needs a redo. Who is planning that, who is designing it, who will give you the true cost, who will manage he financial aspects, who will arrange the permits (yes’ likely more than one), who will arrange the structural engineer, who will build it, who will hire trades, who is in charge of quality control, insurance, health and safety, who? Your notoriously mischievous and deceptive Leprechaun?
May the Road Rise to Meet You. The old Irish blessing wishes the traveler success and an easier path on their journey. Fortunately for the homeowner considering a major renovation there is another path, a better path. Design-Build is a method of renovation that by its nature must plan a project from the very beginning. Design is a process of research and planning. With a fully completed design and project can be planned, scheduled and properly costed out. You will decide what materials, finishes and fixtures you like and will have before the project even starts. All permits can be obtained, and design intent and information communicated to the builders, and in the case of a Design-Build firm that is the same company that is doing the planning with you. Are your Irish Eyes Smilin’ yet?
In the great big world of having your home renovated there is a better path to follow; the road can rise up to meet you. So, plan well……follow a set path, know where you are going before you leave. There just may be a pot of gold for you at the end of that rainbow, or at least a great renovation.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day